Using Your Account

Dashboard ("My Account Dashboard") 

Your Dashboard is where you manage your artist profile, and workshop bookings. It's aso where you can quickly access your Stripe account.  And where you'll access the Green Room, our online Help and Tips for artists.

The top of the page contains an alert ribbon message/s about the status of your Stripe account for quick reference.

  1. Manage Profile  (gold button) directs you to manage your Artist Profile.  
  2. Manage Account stripe (purple button) takes you directly to your Stripe account dashboard within Stripe.  
  3. Green Room (green button) directs you to the online Help docs and Hints.

My Workshops

In this section, View Participants displays a list of registered customers and their payment status for the workshop you selected.

Workshop Participants

This list contains operations for managing your participants. Click on Name to send an email directly to that participant.

You can see at a glance if a participant needs to complete their Balance Due payment before your final registration payment date, and contact them to prompt for payment if needed.

Workshops At A Glance

Beneath My Account Dashboard you'll see listing cards for your future trips and past (completed) trips. Upcoming trips here will show you at a glance any outstanding deposits that need to be paid by your participants.


To EDIT a workshop:  click or tap on 'Edit Workshop' in your workshop list, for a previously created item you wish to edit.

To ADD NEW workshop:  go to the website main menu navigation, and select 'Create Workshop'. When you're logged in, this item will direct you to the Create Workshop page. (When you're logged out, you're directed to the sign-in page.)

Have comments, suggestions or questions for the Green Room? If you have a question, there's probably someone else with the same question. We'll do our best to answer, and contact. Suggestions are always welcome. We're committed to making the Golden Dragonfly Academy for Art work for artists.

Send us a note and let us know!